Opening the Rushing Water Yang Style 24 step TAI CHI form. Tiger separates from cubs.

This short video demonstrates the opening to the Rushing Water Yang style Tai Chi 24 step form. Tiger separates from cubs and the story with it is designed as an aid to remembering the steps and arm movements. 

We begin with the feet together, hands at the side of the body. Take the weight on the left leg and bend the right knee, at the same time bring the softly cupped hands palms upwards in front of the chest close to the body at the height of the heart. This is done as one flowing movement. Push the hands out straight left over right with the left side of the hand resting in the indent on the side of the right wrist. If you looked down you would be looking into a triangle. Turn your head and look to the right. Tiger separates from cubs. Step the toe of the right foot to the right bringing the right hand over at the same time and sink the foot down on to the heel. The left hand is earth palm face down at the belly button. The weight is now towards the right side. Imagine the female tiger cub resting against your right leg. Pat the cub on the head and turn the head to send her on her own path, bring the hand back to centre and hold it there.

Shift weight and turn your head to look to the left as you bring the left hand over to pat the male cub resting against the left leg on the head and then turn his head and send him off on his own journey. This movement of the hands on either side is about drilling and rooting into the earth.

Shift the weight back to centre and if you are in the correct position you can relax the hands and sink into Wu Chi the Tai Chi standing posture.

The male cub is always to the left Yang side of the body. The female cub to the right Yin side of the body. If you can write the story in your head it will help you to remember the movements.

On a deeper level another aspect of this story is about applying it to your own path through life. You tiger represents you, the parent who gives birth to an idea, the cub. You then grow the new idea you have birthed and when it's ready to send it out into the world. At some point this idea or action returns to you with all the information it has gathered on its journey and you can make the decision as what you do next, where you go from here. Do you continue to follow that path or begin a different journey.

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