YIN & YANG PALMS AND THE PUNCH SEQUENCE from the Rushing Water Yang 24 step form

This is a short demo from the form, beginning with the last brushed knee, into yin and yang palms followed by the punch sequence, finishing with push hands. Stances have been photographed from different angles so you can see how they should be. Beginning with a short video and then photos of the stances and instructions.

Photos and instructions.

We begin with the third brushed knee. If you look at the floor you can see the three floorboard width between the feet. The back foot is at 45 degrees so that the body can comfortably face forward without unaturally twisting the waist and spine, so creates stability and balance. 

Notice how rooted to the earth my feet are, bringing structure, strength and stability to the posture.

Coming onto the heel of the front foot and turning the top hand so that I'm holding the ball. Tipping back slightly as the weight goes towards the back foot.

Yin and Yang palms left palm up, right palm down brushing the inside of the left arm with the right hand as I step forward with the right foot bringing the feet together.

Yin and Yang palms right palm up, left palm down brushing the inside of the right arm with the left hand as I step forward again with the right foot opening the stance wider to the three floorboards width.

Come up on the heel of the left foot and rotate it 45 degrees clockwise. At the same bringing up the right arm making Huan Sau which means circle palm by rotating the wrist. This is photographed from another angle in the next picture.

Lower the right foot to the floor and sink your foot into the earth letting your weight go fully into the right foot.

Turn the left foot to a 45 degree angle and step on to the heel. Reach up with the right hand and pull down the stars by closing the hand into a soft fist. Another angle of this is shown below.

Pull down the stars, both hands are now in soft fists.

Take the weight in the front foot as you start to come up on the back foot ready to step forward with the right foot. At the same time bring both arms towards the centre of the body. Both hands are in fists.

Roll the right arm over the left into a back fist as the right foot steps forward. 

Bring down the right hand into the back fist and adjust the back foot so the body can face forward, keeping the three floorboard width between the legs.

The arms continue to circle with left hand coming up to open and cover in front of the brow and the right hand pulling back, remains in a fist and getting ready for a side punch. At the same time stepping into cat stance with the left foot slightly behind the right. Most of the weight is on the right foot. 

As you punch with the left hand, bring the right hand down and gently brush the right palm over the inside of the lower left arm.

Sink the weight into the earth by checking that your bottom is perched on the bar stool, so sinking into Wu Chi as you bring both arms back rotating the waist to a 45 degree angle to look behind as you rotate the wrists ready for push hands.

Push hands. Don't over extend the arms.

As you practising just a small section of the form close it here by stepping the left foot forward next to the right foot. Either place the hands in namaste or perform the apparent close. The picture shows the namaste hands.

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