TAI CHI & QIGONG CLASS at South Willingham Parish Hall. Every Thursday 11.00am - 12.00noon. Click here for further details
TAI CHI & QIGONG CLASS at South Willingham Parish Hall. Every Thursday 11.00am - 12.00noon. Click here for further details
23 Apr
Everyone welcome. You can book your place or just come along on the day.
Class costs 7.00 pounds. South Willingham Parish Hall is a comfortable well maintained village hall and is lovely location for a Tai Chi class. Situated in the middle of this quiet village. Car parking is on the road outside the hall. Please park partly on the pavement.
This class is suitable for everyone including beginners. New people are always made very welcome. This is a smaller hall and class numbers are limited, but I do have room for a couple more people to come along and join this very friendly and welcoming group.
The class is a mix of simple Qigong exercises which are easy to learn and remember which you will be able to take home right from the very first session and the Tai Chi form which you learn slowly a bit at a time over the weeks and months.
Gentle meditative flowing exercise improves your physical and mental health. So do take this opportunity to experience the wonderful health and wellbeing benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong for yourself.
Please wear comfortable clothing and comfortable shoes such as trainers or other comfy flat heeled shoes.